March 28, 2013

Grandparents' Day

Today was Grandparents' Day at Washington Township.   We started the day by sprucing up the room at little bit.

I had some awesome helpers!  Moms...if you need help cleaning at home just ask one of these boys.  They were great!!

We started Grandparents' Day by doing some chair aerobics in the gym with Mrs. Bailey.  I think everybody got a work out!!

After a delicious lunch prepared by Martha, (baked potatoes with toppings, lettuce salad, fruit cup, dinner roll, and cookie), we came back to the room and showed our Grandparents some of the applications we work on the Ipads.  

We also had our grandparents help us by filling out a map of all of the states they have visited.  We will be able to use them as resources when we do some other state reports.

The fourth grade ended up having 32 visitors...some as close as the same house and some as far away as Ohio.  We had a great day.  Thank you, Grandparents, for sharing our day with us.


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