November 29, 2012

Awesome Field Trip
Mrs. Kehoe, Mrs. Wilson and 21 fourth graders boarded the school bus for our career day field trip.  Our first stop was the Iowa City Post Office.

We were greeted at the door by the postmaster,  Stacy.  She showed us around the inner workings of the post office.  We got to see the nixie clerks, carriers, and postal counter workers.   We all had an Ipad or camera to take pictures.

Stacy with the Washington Township Postmasters
2012-2013 WT Fourth Grade at the Post Office

We finished at the post office about 20 minutes early so we walked across the street to the Johnson County Courthouse.

There was a very nice lady outside the courtrooms that gave us an impromptu tour though an actual courtroom.  She also told us about the jobs that are involved in the judicial system.

There was a beautiful stained glass domed ceiling at the top of the courthouse.

We then took off to Cedar Rapids and the Outback Steakhouse.

After our delicious dinner of bread, chicken strips, fries, and a drink of our choice we were off to the Cedar Rapids Gazette newspaper for our tour and talk with their reporters.

Annette Schulte...our tour guide

Diana...the arts and entertainment reporter

JR Ogden...the sports reporter

Max.....the reporter of the future

We found out many things about being a reporter.  The one thing that surprised us is that you just can't miss a just isn't done.

For the most part all of these pictures were taken by the fourth graders.

We had an awesome day and would like to thank the Parent Boosters for helping to make this trip possible.

November 28, 2012

Turkey Visit

Washington Township was challenged to bring in 2000 box tops to send in for redemption.  If we met this goal a turkey would visit all of the classrooms.  We actually ended up with over 3000 box tops which is a little over $300 for our school.  Thank you to all who submitted box tops for the box top collection. 

Here is our turkey visitor.....

We all enjoyed a delicious turkey feather.  Thanks, Mrs. Gerber, for making this possible. 

November 21, 2012

First Grade Pilgrim Families

The fourth graders and I were reminiscing today about when they were in first grade and we went on the pilgrim voyage.  We looked back at some of the pictures I had taken and they really liked seeing their pilgrim families, so we thought we would share them.

November 7, 2012

Spanish Weather Forecasts

In Spanish we have been learning about the weather.  We had to make a Spanish weather forecast.  Check them out!!

We hope you enjoyed our weather forecasts.  Thank you, Mrs. Lundberg, for teaching us Spanish!

November 6, 2012

Tuesday Morning Chess Club

Chess and Checkers Club started this morning before school.  This is a Student Council sponsored activity.  Some of us are deep in though planning our next moves.

November 2, 2012

Fall Party

The fourth graders had their fall party today.  They were responsible for planning the whole thing themselves.  We divided up into four committees...Food, Drink, Games, and Decorations.  They did a wonderful job of planning the whole thing and everyone had a good time.  Check out the photos!!