May 29, 2013

School of the Wild

Mrs. Kehoe, Mrs. Wilson and 22 fourth graders set out with the rest of the Washington Township students bright and early this morning for our all-school field trip to School of the Wild.  All of our worrying about the weather for a couple of days was not even necessary because it was a gorgeous day.

We arrived and found out our morning activity was going to be canoeing on Spider Pond.  Some of us (Mrs. Wilson mostly) weren't too sure about the spiders.  When we arrived at Spider Pond we found out it got its name because of the ropes criss-crossing over the top of the pond so that it looked like a spider web.  The ropes were for us to pull ourselves along in the canoes as we took our dip nets out and tried to catch turtles and frogs.

This first group took off and before and before the second group could even get loaded they had caught a huge snapping turtle.

This group of canoers caught a pair of mating toads!!

Here we are with our catches for the day!

After lunch we headed off to the timber to do some shelter building.  The object was to build a shelter that was strong enough to withstand high winds and rain.  For the most part all five groups succeeded in their task.

What would a field trip be without a group picture!!

I think we all felt this way on the way home.....tired!!

It was a great day and we want to thank the Parent Boosters for helping to make this trip possible.

May 28, 2013

Our iMovie Trailers for the Northeastern Region of the United States 

We decided to make iMovie trailers for the states in the northeastern region of the united States.   Some of us worked together and some of us worked on our own.  

Pennsylvania New Hampshire Washington, D. C. New Jersey Massachusetts Delaware Connecticut Vermont New York Maryland Rhode Island

May 24, 2013


The weather was a little chilly bit we had a great time swimming anyway.  As long as we stayed in the water, it was great.

May 21, 2013

Learning How To Make Movie Trailer

The year might be about over, but our learning is not.  With Mr. Slabaugh's help today we learned how to make movie trailers on the iPods.  We made movie trailers for the states in the northeastern region of the United States.  Check back next week to see our finished products.