January 25, 2012

Blogging on The iPads 

The fourth graders love to blog.  They are always begging me to be able to blog.  Today we learned how to use the iPads to blog as well.  Mr. Slabaugh came in today and helped us get it all set up so we can use them anytime we want to do a little blogging. Be sure and check out our new entries.  The students are free to do any blogging they would like at home as well.

January 24, 2013

 Bully Free at WT

Today was Bully Free at WT Day.  This was a student council sponsored activity where every single student at Washington Township wore their t-shirts.  

Hat Day/Penny War

We also had the opportunity to do something really fun to help out school libraries on the East Coast.  During Superstorm Sandy, many school libraries on the East Coast were completely ruined.  We helped fill these bookshelves with brand new books.  Usborne Books & More committed to match every $1 raised this month, with another $1 from Usborne!  W. T. PTO sponsored a Hat Day/ Penny War.  We could donate money and wear a hat to school.  Here we are in our hats today!!

The classroom that raises the most money will be rewarded with an Ice Cream Sundae party.

January 7, 2013

Dissecting Owl Pellets

In our study of the human body and the skeletal system, we dissected owl pellets in order to compare rodent bones to human bones.   The morning was spent dissecting the bones.



The afternoon was spent trying to identify the bones and compare them to human bones.

While this might have been out of Mrs. Wilson's comfort zone, the kids all were really intrigued by the dissection, and not at all afraid to dig in and find the bones!!